Department History

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The Department of Radio Engineering was established alongside the Department of Telecommunication Engineering in February 1965. On January 1, 1967, by decision of the administration of the Higher Mechanical and Electrical Institute (HMEI) - Varna, the two departments became independent administrative units.

At the beginning of 1967, the newly established department commenced its educational and research activities with nine young and enthusiastic lecturers. During this period, several adjunct lecturers—renowned specialists from Sofia and Varna—also contributed to the department.

The primary task of the department during this time was to ensure specialized training for students in the "Radio Engineering" program, which had been introduced at the founding of HMEI - Varna in 1963. Alongside this, significant attention was given to the scientific research activities of the department's lecturers, some of whom actively participated in applied projects related to the operations of industrial enterprises in the region and the country.

The Department of Telecommunication Engineering (later renamed Communication Engineering) is one of the founding departments of the Technical University - Varna (HMEI - Varna). As early as the 1963/64 academic year, regular educational activities began for students in the Telecommunication Technology program.

The first classes were held in the building of the University of National and World Economy "D. Blagoev" – Varna, where the department had access to a single laboratory. This laboratory was used for conducting practical exercises in two disciplines simultaneously, while also serving as the venue for the department's first steps in research activities initiated in 1965. In 1968, the faculty moved to a new building. Here, the Communication Technology Department was allocated 10 spacious teaching laboratories, a workshop, six offices, and other facilities.

The department's activities were highly dynamic, particularly in the field of contractual research under the Scientific Research Sector (SRS) and the Technical and Scientific Creativity of Youth (TSCY) initiatives. Through numerous SRS projects, scientific and applied research, engineering developments, and production implementations were completed. A large number of students participated in research work, acquiring and refining practical skills while growing into highly qualified specialists. Many research associates and engineers were recruited to work on SRS projects.

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